
We quantify biodiversity metrics and trends over space and time

Identifying which species and ecosystems are found in a location and how they are changing over time is the basic information we need to unlock positive biodiversity outcomes. We leverage our expertise in cutting-edge ecological and evolutionary modeling techniques, AI, geospatial mapping, and time series analysis to derive metrics of biodiversity across scales of space and time.

Metrics Services


  • Generate and validate estimates of current range, occupancy and/or abundance of target species from species distribution models or occupancy models using machine learning and other standard approaches
  • Estimate historical and potential future changes in species’ distributions and population trends in response to environmental changes
  • Estimate and analyze species extinction risks


  • Estimate historic, current, and potential future trends in the richness, endemism, and rarity of ecological communities using community-level data and methods
  • Identify local species and ecosystems at risk of extinction
  • Estimate taxonomic, functional, and evolutionary diversity of local ecological communities
  • Identify priority areas based on the uniqueness and irreplaceability of local species and ecosystems
  • Quantify condition and intactness of local habitats and ecosystems